Watch Together

Instagram x Messenger

​During my internship at Facebook, I conducted a study examining the user's behavior and reasons for watching visual content with a friend across Facebook and Instagram messaging platforms.

​Co-watching visual content helped users feel “normal” during the pandemic.

The research relied on a six-diary study with follow-up interviews among friendship dyads and triads who regularly use Instagram's or Facebook's video-chatting platforms. The results of this study helped with the launch of this feature and informed the onboarding campaign for the users.

Buff Portal

University of Colorado Boulder

The project Unified Student Experience aimed to bring together all student-facing platforms at the University of Colorado Boulder. Buff Portal was the first home-grown platform at the university, and it created a single place entry for over 100 different services. What sets Buff Portal apart from other similar initiatives is that it was developed with the help of students at every step of the way through their inclusion in UX initiatives.